About Me

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ReaLly LikEs iN wRiTiNG.. KiNd of COOL pErSoN.. SIMPLE ~~ What More can I Say About me?? Juz Ordinary Person Who try so Hard to create Extraordinary thing!~~

~My Little World~

~My Little World~

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fashion Monster


Dear Blog,

Today saya nk share sikit dgn blog about Lolita Fashion. Lately kan saya ni dah deeply in love with this kind of fashion. Comel and so adorable! Nampak mcm dolfie sangat~ *tsukki na*

Padahnya, mula la nk 'SELCA' and belagak as one of Lolita model! berkeping-keping gambar yang snap mengalahkan model! huh! (hehe..)

~Of course, all the pictures above, sudah di-edit..that's why nampak cantik! (Blog,jangan tertipu!) hikhik~



 ~Sedikit info untuk blog~ fashion ni actually originated from Japan, and ada lah categories nya..and saya actually lebih suka pada gothic lolita kind of style, but lately suka la pula dgn cute miut style!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013



 Dear diary..eh  *correction* 
ehem ehem (clear throat) 

Dear blog.....

How are you? crit, crit, crit, (cricket sound)
Aik..bunyi cm merajuk je? (ーー;)
OK OK..mengerti! hehe~ mesti sebab dah lama tak update blog kn? Alolololo~ blog jgn merajuk k? nk update la ni..hehe ()

Woahhhhh~ mcm bertahun je ak tak update blog ni kn...ish3 (pemalas betul!) actually life mmg busy, rasa cm cepat je masa berlalu..tak terkira langsung..tiba2 je dah setahun n setahun n lagi setahun…hehe

Kalau nak dikenangkan kembali  first time aku bukak blog, ak still lagi budak2 (orang kata thp budak hingusan la) snoted nose hehe…masa tu seronok sangat nak bukak blog ni sebab semua kawan2 ade blog masing2, jadi aku kenalah ade satu. (taknak kalah!)
Sedangkan waktu tu merangkak habis la nak hias-hias blog bagai..hehe

Ooopsss! Lupa pula, about my E-Novel Novella My Love http://kanafee-novellamylove.blogspot.com Iye, mmg lama tak update novel tu. Sibuk je memanjang..aku memang nak minta maaf sangat kat sape2 yang ade tunggu ak update novel tu..(sorry 10000x)

Hidup sangat busy, ak tak sempat nk update novel tu, kalau ade reader yang still tunggu lagi for the novel ak memang terharu gila la! (iyela brtahun ak  tinggal novel tu sepi!) Ada terfikir nak sambung novel tu cos ak dah siap tulis draf novel tu but takde masa nak post saja…

Yup2! Will post something on that blog (kanafee’s promise to herself) Chaiyok!

So, rasanya cukuplah ak mengarut untuk update blog ni wt masa ni…

Till Then……(*^^*)


Thursday, March 12, 2009

**KorEaN FaShioN**

KoreAn..KorEan..KoreaN..hahaha..all about their fashioNs!

Truly said that i'm really into their fashion..

For me their fashions is really suit with our society acceptance..like in Malaysia ni we all lebih memilih ke arah kesopanan (even tak brape sopan pun we still don't breach the clothing ethic code kn? )

Maybe law kt Malaysia ni agk strict so takdelh kita trlihat any of veGas trendy gurlz Yg Mrayau siang2 ari kt Shopping Mall kita kn..

Their fashion emphasize that we all tk perlulh nk over exposed our body to look great..juz be modest we can look incredible hot n fabulous!

Skung ni ak tgok rata2 rakyat Malaysia ni mmg falling into Korean Fashion. Belambak people out there yg brgaya with dis style. Gentle ckp diaorg sume look really fantastic n bombastic! Tp ape2 pun aku nk ckpkn jgak la kt sini..**Klu Nk Brgaya pun Biarlh Kene Tempatnye** hehehe.. why i'm said like dis? Ye la..punyelh nk ber style cm korean, smpai pkai muffler in hot sunny day kn..Manusia..Manusia..ishk3

Sbnarnye nk brgaya cm diaorg ni is really easy n i bet parents you all pun tk kn hlg korang yg mana gile dgn dis fashion nih! (Yela..lebih baik dis fashion instead of Britney Spears trend right?)

Pepe pun brpada-padalh bile korg nk brfashion.Think wisely yg korang ni carry also ur family dignity..jd pandai2 lh menjaganye..;)

Wokey kwn2 kt sini aku nk prkenalkn korang dgn sorang minah "the bomb" from Korea nih! For me, dis gurlz is really hwot n trendy.Kira stylo abeh lah minah sorg nih! her fashion agk trdedah sket but she still be d one amongst cool people who invented or created new fashion in Korea.
Siapa lg kalau tidak bukan The Only One Fashion Goddess..Lee Hyori! loud applause for HyoriSH!!! **You Go Girl**

This Minah really know about her fashion! What is do n do'nt..Bagi ak she's totally looking gorgeous whenever she appeared. Kind of boleh myentap jiwa siape saje yg memandangnye!Huhu..even ak ni prempuan, when look at her is juz like i've been hypnotized n she's so mesmerizing! (ehem2..dat don't mean that i'm lesbo k!)

Actually ak punya byk pics of this gurlz to stamp in here..but if aku letak je pics die nanti blog ni look likes an album lh plak kn?
(Takde ruang ak nk mnulis plak!)huhuhu..

Sbg girl aku admit that i'm quite jealous wit perfect chick like her bcoz she always looks very chic n incredibly great! Sometimes ak wonder if i can be like her maybe all men in this world will bend their knee to me!Hahahaha (angan2 yg jht!)

Tp sebenarnye kita yg dilahirkn di dunia ni dgn cukup anggota bdn sudhpun di kira perfect..we must willing to accept our own beauty n be proud of that! (Jgn terlebih proud plak ye..) Org kata bersyukurlh dgn apa yg kita miliki ;-)

So,ape plak dgn fahion ak? Yes Of Course lah aku ni mmg suke gila dgn fashion2 dari Korea nih! Selain agk kesopanan their fashion is really cute..n scara x langsungnye boleh la mengubah seseorg tu mnjadi agk cute.(even sbnarnye xlah dilahirkn sbg seorg yg cute!)

~About Me~

Anyeong Haseyo..

kt sini aku cuma nk tulis all about myself lh..(dh title pon About Me kn;p)
Klu korang suke ke tak ke aku still gk nk tulis ttg aku hehehe..
jd klu tk thn tu cepat2 lh kuar ye;)

Kt sini pun ak tk sasarkn follower pun..coz ak bkannye artist! Sume org nk tahu prkembangannye.. kuehkuehkueh..
blog ni cume citer sl kgemaran aku, idop aku, aktiviti aku, luahan perasaan aku n macam2 lg la brkenaan aku saja..So ak anggap blog ni dh mcm ak punya journal la..or diary ak je..huhuhu..

Segalanye kgemaran aku akn aku muatkn kt sini..(kononnye mcm org nk tau je) Ttg kehidupan ak n ttg aktiviti aku yg agak mmbosankn ini.. Truly said la My passion is in writing! Aku boleh merapu mcm2 dgn menulis n kdg2 tu bgun dr tido je aku start menulis smpai la ke mlm non stop! (Btoi!Aku talak tipo woo..)

Selain mnulis minat gile dgn melukis! ak pernah tnm cite2 nk jadi pelukis komik satu masa dahulu..huehuehue..even lukisn aku ala kdr aku punya smagat tinggi dlm bidang nih!
Mungkin klu diasah bktnye aku boleh g jauh..(huhuhu ada org perasan la plak!)

Ok! Selain mnjadi sorg yg suka perasan (hehe,itu aku.)Sebnarnya ak ni agk myendiri orgnye..(biasa la nama pn org seni kn..huhuhu)

Kwn karib ak yg paling ak senangi ialah kembar aku cendiri! n adik aku (ratu hindustan tu).Kita org ni kira akrab mcm isi ngan kuku lh katakn..;) Kitaorg gelarkn kumpulan dgn nama ~SamboLiZ~ (cm budak2 kn? Tp hakikatnye mmg kami mcm tu pun..hehehe)

Hidop ni bagi aku ialah satu perjalanan kehidupan yg perlu ditempuhi..even kita tak suka pun trpaksa gak utk terusknnye..mcm aku ni..sebenarnye masih tak tahu lagi ape yg aku seeking in this world..
Hiduplh boring jer..kawan2 pun tak banyak..cuma ada samboLiZ je (tpi inilah maknanya org seni kn;-p hehehe..)

Aku bet mesti ramai org out there pun ada feeling cm aku gak..rasa tak tahu apa tujuan kewujudan di dunia nih..tapi percayalah..tujuannye adalah satu..iaitu utk menempuhi DUGAAN..